Linaloe Wood
Anti-inflammatory. Can be used in steam inhalations to ease sinus congestion. Alleviates wounds, bruises, and skin irritations. Promotes skin regeneration and can be used as an aphrodisiac. A warm and inviting scent, used as a replacement for Rosewood.
Calming, joyful and creates an aura of protection for the energy field. Enhances courage and promotes growth in aspects of Divine Love.
Plant family: Burseraceae
Latin name: Bursea delpechiana
Origin: Mexico/South America/Central America
Plant part (steam distilled): Bark/Wood
Anti-inflammatory. Can be used in steam inhalations to ease sinus congestion. Alleviates wounds, bruises, and skin irritations. Promotes skin regeneration and can be used as an aphrodisiac. A warm and inviting scent, used as a replacement for Rosewood.
Calming, joyful and creates an aura of protection for the energy field. Enhances courage and promotes growth in aspects of Divine Love.
Plant family: Burseraceae
Latin name: Bursea delpechiana
Origin: Mexico/South America/Central America
Plant part (steam distilled): Bark/Wood
Anti-inflammatory. Can be used in steam inhalations to ease sinus congestion. Alleviates wounds, bruises, and skin irritations. Promotes skin regeneration and can be used as an aphrodisiac. A warm and inviting scent, used as a replacement for Rosewood.
Calming, joyful and creates an aura of protection for the energy field. Enhances courage and promotes growth in aspects of Divine Love.
Plant family: Burseraceae
Latin name: Bursea delpechiana
Origin: Mexico/South America/Central America
Plant part (steam distilled): Bark/Wood