Lavender, Spike
This powerful plant possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, and anti-depressant properties, making it effective for insomnia, cramps, colds, flu, and blood pressure issues. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system and is particularly helpful for headaches and migraines. When layered with Birch or Cornmint and Red Pine, it provides excellent relief for muscle and joint pain.
Her energy is grounding, calming, and reassuring, reminding us to trust our path even when it's not the most popular one. She helps us address physical, emotional, and spiritual pain and brings balance to the heart chakra.
Plant family: Lamiaceae
Latin name: Lavendula latifolia
Origin: France/Spain
Plant part (steam distilled): Flowering tops.
This powerful plant possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, and anti-depressant properties, making it effective for insomnia, cramps, colds, flu, and blood pressure issues. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system and is particularly helpful for headaches and migraines. When layered with Birch or Cornmint and Red Pine, it provides excellent relief for muscle and joint pain.
Her energy is grounding, calming, and reassuring, reminding us to trust our path even when it's not the most popular one. She helps us address physical, emotional, and spiritual pain and brings balance to the heart chakra.
Plant family: Lamiaceae
Latin name: Lavendula latifolia
Origin: France/Spain
Plant part (steam distilled): Flowering tops.
This powerful plant possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, and anti-depressant properties, making it effective for insomnia, cramps, colds, flu, and blood pressure issues. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system and is particularly helpful for headaches and migraines. When layered with Birch or Cornmint and Red Pine, it provides excellent relief for muscle and joint pain.
Her energy is grounding, calming, and reassuring, reminding us to trust our path even when it's not the most popular one. She helps us address physical, emotional, and spiritual pain and brings balance to the heart chakra.
Plant family: Lamiaceae
Latin name: Lavendula latifolia
Origin: France/Spain
Plant part (steam distilled): Flowering tops.