Lavandin, Super
This substance is a powerful aid for muscle and joint pain, fatigue, and insomnia. It supports the healing of scars, wounds, and infections, and can even aid in hair loss. This substance boasts the highest content of esters among the Lavandins, making it exceptionally calming and soothing. In fact, it is considered the sweetest of all Lavandins.
Plant family: Lamiaceae
Latin name: Lavandula hybrida Burnatii, Briquet clone super
Origin: France
Plant part (steam distilled): Flowering tops.
This substance is a powerful aid for muscle and joint pain, fatigue, and insomnia. It supports the healing of scars, wounds, and infections, and can even aid in hair loss. This substance boasts the highest content of esters among the Lavandins, making it exceptionally calming and soothing. In fact, it is considered the sweetest of all Lavandins.
Plant family: Lamiaceae
Latin name: Lavandula hybrida Burnatii, Briquet clone super
Origin: France
Plant part (steam distilled): Flowering tops.
This substance is a powerful aid for muscle and joint pain, fatigue, and insomnia. It supports the healing of scars, wounds, and infections, and can even aid in hair loss. This substance boasts the highest content of esters among the Lavandins, making it exceptionally calming and soothing. In fact, it is considered the sweetest of all Lavandins.
Plant family: Lamiaceae
Latin name: Lavandula hybrida Burnatii, Briquet clone super
Origin: France
Plant part (steam distilled): Flowering tops.