Greenland Moss
This product has both anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties. It is commonly used to reduce inflammation in lymph nodes, glands, muscles, and the prostate. It is also effective in treating liver and glandular toxemia, water retention, balancing the thyroid, and viral hepatitis.
With its roots in Native American medicine, this product is also used to address liver and gall bladder issues. It aids in solar plexus spasms, making it helpful for 3rd Chakra imbalances.
Beyond its physical benefits, this product also teaches us about collaboration and interdependence. It can be used to increase self-love and promote a sense of well-being.
Plant family: Ericaceae
Latin name: Ledum groenlandicum
Origin: Canada
Plant part (steam distilled): Flowering tops.
This product has both anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties. It is commonly used to reduce inflammation in lymph nodes, glands, muscles, and the prostate. It is also effective in treating liver and glandular toxemia, water retention, balancing the thyroid, and viral hepatitis.
With its roots in Native American medicine, this product is also used to address liver and gall bladder issues. It aids in solar plexus spasms, making it helpful for 3rd Chakra imbalances.
Beyond its physical benefits, this product also teaches us about collaboration and interdependence. It can be used to increase self-love and promote a sense of well-being.
Plant family: Ericaceae
Latin name: Ledum groenlandicum
Origin: Canada
Plant part (steam distilled): Flowering tops.
This product has both anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties. It is commonly used to reduce inflammation in lymph nodes, glands, muscles, and the prostate. It is also effective in treating liver and glandular toxemia, water retention, balancing the thyroid, and viral hepatitis.
With its roots in Native American medicine, this product is also used to address liver and gall bladder issues. It aids in solar plexus spasms, making it helpful for 3rd Chakra imbalances.
Beyond its physical benefits, this product also teaches us about collaboration and interdependence. It can be used to increase self-love and promote a sense of well-being.
Plant family: Ericaceae
Latin name: Ledum groenlandicum
Origin: Canada
Plant part (steam distilled): Flowering tops.