Winter Solstice 2022
Winter Solstice has begun, and it beckons us to go deep within, to rest, and be still with darkness. It begins the first day of winter, birthing the shortest day and longest night, which offers hope of the sun’s return. It calls upon us to slow down, to prepare internally for self-reflection, and to acknowledge a time of endings and new beginnings.
As I contemplate what this time means to me within my own life, it reminds me of firewalking. Firewalking holds similar reflections, lessons, and gifts. The moment I walk up to the coalbed’s threshold, before I even step onto the coals, there is an instinctive internal pause that happens. It’s the time I go within, connect to my Inner Flame, ground to mother earth, formulate my intention, and where I prepare myself to walk—a place where I meet darkness and choose to activate my light.
My first step onto the hot coal bed ignites meridians and the 72,000 Nadis within my body. Pushing energy through removing, releasing, and letting go of all that no longer serves me. It clears and prepares my energy field, which offers hope of rebirth, regeneration, and renewal. As I walk the fire, it symbolizes the return of the Sun’s rays bringing forth clarity, change, and new inspirations, all of which are vital to the development of my soul.
What I have come to learn through firewalking and the winter solstice is truly a gift. When we fear our own darkness when we hide from negative emotions when we do not acknowledge the rhythm of cycles within, that we have done a grave mis service to ourselves. We end up cutting ourselves off from an essential source of our own true power. That divine spark within in us all that the world so desperately needs now.
Both darkness and firewalking are great catalysts for personal growth, self-reflection, and transformation. Embracing both processes can play an essential part in the soul’s enlightenment and evolution. Inviting the seed deep within us to blossom and bring forth love and healing, not only for ourselves but for the world.
The connection and symbolism of the Winter Solstice and Firewalking bring reminders of the importance of embracing our true nature selves. Of our connection to the rhythm and cycles of the seasons, the rhythm and cycles of our lives, and the rhythm and cycles of change and growth. Wishing all many blessings during this Winter Solstice.